PRC issues 5-year strategic plan

PRC Issues 5 year strategic planUpon the release of its latest strategic plan, Acting Postal Regulatory Commission Chairman Robert Taub said in a statement,

“Strategic planning and goal setting is important for any organization; such efforts help to articulate priorities and focus key efforts. The coming years present many potential changes, and challenges, for the Commission. I am confident this Plan provides the Commission a clear and comprehensive course to meet our mission to ensure transparency and accountability of the Postal Service and foster a vital and efficient universal mail system.”

The Plan identifies four strategic goals, key objectives, and performance indicators to measure progress:

  • Strategic Goal 1: Deliver accurate and objective analyses and decisions to ensure transparency and accountability of the Postal Service.
  • Strategic Goal 2: Actively engage with Congress and stakeholders in support of a dynamic postal system.
  • Strategic Goal 3: Provide an optimal internal infrastructure to support management of priorities, workload, and emerging requirements.
  • Strategic Goal 4: Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse, high-performing workforce.

The PRC set out this Vision Statement:

To be an independent regulator respected for effectively engaging postal stakeholders to promote a robust universal mail system through objective, accurate, and timely regulatory analyses and decisions.