A Nonprofit Mailer is Heard

You’ve heard our recent call to action submit your comments to the PRC regarding the Ten Year Rate Review. And while you understand the critical importance of reasonable postage rates, you may have thought “I don’t have time”, “I don’t know what to say.” or even “what difference does it make?”.

This is the answer to those doubts and questions. This letter is what one of your fellow nonprofit mailers recently submitted as written comments. Just like you, the Christian Appalachian Project serves a unique, critical need, every dollar and resource counts, and USPS mail plays a vital part to their success. By taking a moment to tell their story in simple, human terms, they show the PRC how postage is more than just dollars or percentages.

 “ln 2016, over 11,000 participants received direct services through 16 Human Services Programs in Eastern KY:

  • 2,854 individuals received critical, emergency, and family-oriented Community service through our Family Advocacy Program.
  • 15,132 families were served at our Grateful Threadz Thrift store for clothing and other essential items.
  • 2,267 families were served at our Grateful Bread Food Pantry…

Direct Mail is literally the fiscal lifeblood of this organization, and has been for over 50 years. A postage increase will mean we are unable to provide the current level of services, desperately needed in this region…

We are doing everything we possibly can to keep costs at a minimum so that we can serve people in desperate need here in the Appalachian region. We need your help and the help of the Postal Regulatory Commission. We simply cannot afford postage increases over the Consumer Price lndex.”

Read the full letter here.

You already know the most powerful and compelling argument for reasonable postage – the fact that every dollar in postage directly affects a unique and vital cause. Your time now to put these reasons forth to the PRC is what will help ensure a future for your cause. To tell your story, click here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 202-462-5132, or alliance@nonprofitmailers.org