Senate Confirms Two PRC Commissioners

In the very early morning hours of Saturday, December 10, the following message emerged from the U.S. Senate:


Executive Calendar #740 – Mark D. Acton, of Kentucky, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission for a term expiring October 14, 2022 (Reappointment)

Executive Calendar #741 – Robert G. Taub, of New York, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission for a term expiring October 14, 2022 (Reappointment)

To some, these are routine actions by the Senate. But to anyone who mails a lot, they are very important. Commissioners Acton and Taub were in their “holdover” year starting on October 14, 2016, meaning they could have been replaced by another presidential appointee at any time. And if they were not reappointed by October 14, 2017, they would have been forced to vacate their positions. President Obama reappointed Taub and Acton following the Senate confirmation.

With the beginning of the landmark regulatory review starting on Tuesday, we now know for certain who four of the possible five PRC commissioners will be for the duration of that proceeding. Robert Taub is designated chairman by the president, Mark Acton is elected vice chairman by the commissioners, and Nanci Langley and Tony Hammond are commissioners. And President-elect Donald Trump could appoint a fifth Commissioner after he takes office next month. A full Commission would ensure that a tie vote of 2-2 does not happen.

In any case, this regulatory review arguably will be the most challenging task any postal regulators have been required to perform. We wish them luck.